“A son is a mother’s pride and joy.”

“The bond between a mother and son is unbreakable.”

“A son will always be his mother’s first love.”

“A mother’s love for her son knows no boundaries.”

“A son is a mother’s gift for eternity.”

“A mother’s hug is a safe haven for her son.”

“A mother’s love for her son is like no other.”

“A son is a mother’s constant source of strength.”

“A son brings endless joy to his mother’s life.”

“A mother’s love guides her son through life’s journey.”

“A son is a mother’s forever best friend.”

“A mother’s love for her son is unconditional and pure.”

“A son is a treasure that a mother cherishes forever.” GODDESS DURGA QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“A mother’s heart is filled with endless love for her son.”

“A son brings light and warmth to his mother’s life.”

“A mother’s bond with her son is unbreakable and irreplaceable.”

“A son is a mother’s pride, her greatest achievement.”

“A mother’s love for her son is boundless and everlasting.”

“A mother and son share a special connection that words cannot describe.”

“A son is a mother’s greatest blessing and source of happiness.”

“A mother’s love nurtures and supports her son throughout his life.”

“A son is a mother’s legacy, her greatest contribution to the world.”

“A mother’s love for her son is fierce and protective.”

“A son fills a mother’s heart with overwhelming love and joy.”