“Mothers are the only ones who think nothing is beyond their control when it comes to their sons.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love for her son is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.” – Agatha Christie

“Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.” – Phyllis Diller

“My son is a little superhero. He can make me laugh with just one look.” – Unknown

“Raising a son is like training a rocket. You have to be prepared for frequent takeoffs and landings.” – Unknown

“Having a son means you always have a personal comedian at your disposal.” – Unknown

“Being a mother is like trying to hold a dozen water balloons at once. You’re constantly on the edge of chaos but somehow manage to keep it all together.” – Unknown

“Mothers of sons know that they are never truly alone, even when their sons are miles away. Their thoughts and love are always with them.” – Unknown

“Raising boys is like living in a frat house – everything smells weird, there’s a lot of shouting, and you’re not quite sure what’s going to happen next.” – Unknown

“Mothers are convinced their sons are some sort of genius from the moment they can put together a two-piece puzzle.” – Unknown

“Having a son means you’ll never run out of toilet humor in your life.” – Unknown

“A mother’s job is never done, but it’s especially never done when you have a son who takes forever to put his shoes on.” – Unknown

“Sons may come and go, but a mother’s love for her son remains steadfast and slightly neurotic.” – Unknown GOL D ROGER QUOTES INHERITED WILL

“A son is God’s way of telling you that your house is too quiet.” – Unknown

“Raising a son is like trying to herd cats – it’s an exercise in futility, but at least it keeps you on your toes.” – Unknown

“No matter how old your son gets, he will always be your little troublemaker.” – Unknown

“Mothers of sons have to learn to be tough, but they also know when it’s time to give their sons a big hug and a cookie.” – Unknown

“If there was an Olympic event for nagging, mothers of sons would win gold every time.” – Unknown

“Raising a son means going through more Band-Aids and Popsicle sticks than you ever thought possible.” – Unknown

“Mothers of sons have to deal with so much dirt, noise, and chaos that they should be granted superhero status.” – Unknown

“No matter how old he gets, a son will always be his mother’s little pain in the butt.” – Unknown

“Raising a son is like having a never-ending comedy show in your own home. You never know what hilarious thing he’s going to do or say next.” – Unknown

“Mothers of sons know that the secret to surviving is a good sense of humor and a lot of wine.” – Unknown

“A son is a gift that just keeps on giving your life laughter, joy, and the occasional heart attack.” – Unknown

“Being a mother of a son is like riding a roller coaster. You have to hold on tight and enjoy the wild ride.” – Unknown