“A mother’s love knows no boundaries.”

“A mother is a child’s first teacher and forever guide.”

“A mother’s touch is pure magic.”

“A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.” – Marion C. Garretty

“A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s.” – Princess Diana

“A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world.” – Agatha Christie

“A mother’s love is the greatest gift we can ever receive.”

“A mother’s wisdom is a treasure beyond compare.”

“A mother’s influence shapes a child’s future.”

“A mother’s love is like a ray of sunshine on a stormy day.”

“A mother’s heart is a haven of warmth and love.”

“A mother’s love is like a boomerang, always coming back.”

“A mother’s love is the glue that holds a family together.” BROTHER BY HEART NOT BY BLOOD QUOTES

“A mother’s love is unconditional and everlasting.”

“A mother’s love is a melody that will stay with you forever.”

“A mother is not a title, it’s a badge of honor.”

“A mother’s love is the thread that weaves memories into a lifetime.”

“A mother’s love is fierce but also gentle.”

“A mother is a superhero without a cape.”

“A mother’s love is the foundation upon which a child’s life is built.”

“A mother’s love is the greatest source of strength.”

“A mother’s intuition is a superpower.”

“A mother’s love is a living legacy.”

“A mother’s love is a flower that never withers.”

“A mother is the heartbeat of the family.”