“A godly woman puts God first in her life and finds her strength and purpose in Him.”

“A godly woman knows that her worth and beauty are found in her character and virtues, not in outward appearance.”

“A godly woman embraces her femininity and uses it to bless others and bring glory to God.”

“A godly woman relies on God’s wisdom and guidance in all areas of her life.”

“A godly woman’s heart is filled with love, mercy, and compassion for others.”

“A godly woman is a source of strength and encouragement for her family and friends.”

“A godly woman is not afraid to stand up for truth and righteousness, even when it’s unpopular.”

“A godly woman knows that her identity and worth come from being a child of God.”

“A godly woman seeks to live a life that is pleasing to God, rather than seeking the approval of others.”

“A godly woman understands the power of her words and uses them to build up and encourage others.”

“A godly woman knows that true beauty is found in a gentle and quiet spirit.”

“A godly woman is not defined by her past mistakes but by the grace and forgiveness she has received.”

“A godly woman bears fruit in her life through acts of kindness, love, and service to others.”

“A godly woman is humble and seeks to serve others with a willing heart.”

“A godly woman trusts in God’s plan and timing for her life, even when it’s difficult to understand.” HOUSE OF GOD QUOTES

“A godly woman walks in integrity and strives to do what is right, even in the face of temptation.”

“A godly woman understands the power of prayer and relies on it to bring about change and transformation.”

“A godly woman is a strong and resilient warrior, armed with the armor of God.”

“A godly woman uses her gifts and talents to honor and glorify God.”

“A godly woman seeks to be a light in the world, shining with God’s love and truth.”

“A godly woman cultivates a spirit of gratitude and thankfulness in all circumstances.”

“A godly woman seeks wisdom and knowledge, meditating on God’s Word and applying it to her life.”

“A godly woman knows that her true worth is not determined by society’s standards but by God’s love for her.”

“A godly woman is not easily swayed by worldly pleasures and distractions but remains focused on her relationship with God.”

“A godly woman seeks to bring peace and reconciliation in her relationships, striving for unity and harmony.”

“A godly woman is quick to extend forgiveness and grace, realizing that she is also in need of it.”

“A godly woman embraces the challenges and hardships of life, knowing that God will use them for her good.”

“A godly woman stands firm in her faith, even when faced with doubts and struggles.”

“A godly woman’s life is marked by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”