“I can’t help it if I’m the favorite child.”

“Do you really think anyone cares about what you have to say?”

“You’re just jealous of my amazing fashion sense.”

“Why are you always so sensitive? Can’t you take a joke?”

“You should thank me for giving you advice, even if you don’t ask for it.”

“I just have a better taste in music than you, it’s not my fault.”

“You’re so boring, you never want to do anything exciting.”

“You’re such a baby, always seeking attention.”

“You’ll never amount to anything, unlike me.”

“I’m just naturally smarter than you, not my problem.”

“Why are you always so mad? Learn to relax.”

“You’re such a loser, no wonder you don’t have any friends.”

“You think you’re so cool, but you’re just a wannabe.”

“You’re just trying to copy me because I’m trendier.”

“You always mess things up, but of course, I have to come to the rescue.”

“Don’t bother asking for my help, you’re just going to mess it up anyway.” OSCAR WILDE MOTHER QUOTE

“Wow, you actually managed to do something right for once.”

“You’re so lazy, you never do anything to help around here.”

“I can’t stand being around you, you’re so annoying.”

“What’s the matter, can’t handle a little teasing?”

“You’ll never understand because you’re not as smart as me.”

“You’re so embarrassing, don’t talk to my friends.”

“I bet you wish you were as popular as me.”

“I’m clearly the favorite child, everyone knows it.”

“You’re just jealous of my flawless looks.”

“Why are you always so uptight? Learn to have fun.”

“You’d be lost without me, admit it.”

“You’re just trying to take attention away from me.”

“You don’t even deserve to be part of this family.”

“You’re so forgettable, no one will ever remember you.”