“Cousins are the sisters/brothers we never had.”

“Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are.”

“Cousins are friends who are with us throughout our lives.”

“In the cookie of life, cousins are the chocolate chips.”

“Cousins are like built-in best friends.”

“Cousins are the perfect blend of family and friends.”

“Cousins are the icing on the cake of life.”

“Cousins – because childhood memories are the best shared with family.”

“Cousins are like stars. You may not always see them, but you know they’re always there.”

“Cousins are like puzzle pieces. They fit perfectly into your life.”

“Cousins are the keys to happiness in life.” FAMILY QUOTES IN FRAMES

“Cousins are the laughter in a world full of chaos.”

“Cousins are the mirror that reflects our past and the ones who hold our future.”

“Cousins are the ones who turn our ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.”

“Cousins are the melody in the soundtrack of our lives.”

“Cousins are the chapters in our life story that make it worth reading.”

“Cousins are the sunshine that brightens our darkest days.”

“Cousins are the painters who add color to our lives.”

“Cousins are the superheroes who make our lives extraordinary.”

“Cousins are the warmth in our hearts that keeps us going.”