“God is awesome in his power, his wisdom, and his love.”

“God’s awesomeness is displayed in the beauty and intricacy of his creation.”

“God’s awesomeness is revealed in his ability to change lives and transform hearts.”

“In God’s presence, we experience an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder.”

“God’s awesomeness is seen in his unfailing faithfulness and steadfast love.”

“God’s awesomeness is beyond our comprehension, yet he invites us to know and experience him intimately.”

“God’s awesomeness is demonstrated in his ability to turn our ashes into beauty and our trials into triumphs.”

“God’s awesomeness is matched only by his infinite grace and mercy.”

“God’s awesomeness is not constrained by time or space; he is always present and always near.”

“God’s awesomeness is seen in his ability to heal the broken, mend the wounded, and restore the lost.”

“In moments of awe, we catch a glimpse of God’s infinite power and majesty.” I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU QUOTES FOR HIM

“God’s awesomeness is displayed in his perfect justice and righteous judgment.”

“God’s awesomeness is unfathomable; his thoughts and ways are higher and greater than ours.”

“God’s awesomeness is revealed in his ability to bring peace amidst chaos and hope amidst despair.”

“God’s awesomeness is reflected in the miracles and wonders he performs.”

“God’s awesomeness is constant, unchanging, and everlasting.”

“In times of doubt and uncertainty, we can rest assured in the awesomeness of God’s presence and guidance.”

“God’s awesomeness is not limited by our circumstances; he can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.”

“God’s awesomeness is a reminder of his greatness and our humble position before him.”

“We are invited to walk in awe of God’s presence and to live in the fullness of his awesomeness.”