“I’m just looking for someone to share my avocado toast with.”

“I want someone who will love me even when I’m hangry.”

“Looking for someone who will understand my obsession with Netflix binges.”

“I need someone who can handle my sarcasm and still think I’m hilarious.”

“Relationship status: currently taking applications for the position of ‘Snuggle Buddy’.”

“I want someone who will laugh at my bad jokes, even if they’re only pretending.”

“I need a partner who can keep up with my endless coffee cravings.”

“Relationships are like cats. Sometimes they ignore you and other times they step all over your face in the morning.”

“I need a person who is willing to be my personal human blanket during chilly movie nights.”

“I just want someone to bring me pizza and tell me I’m beautiful.”

“I need someone to be my partner in crime and help me eat all the junk food.”

“My ideal relationship involves binge-watching TV shows in sweatpants.”

“I’m just looking for someone who will watch cartoons with me on a lazy Sunday morning.”

“I want a relationship like a good cup of coffee – strong, hot, and always there to pick me up.”

“I need someone who will listen to me rant about my favorite TV shows as if it’s the most important thing in the world.” DO AS MUCH GOOD AS YOU CAN QUOTE

“I want someone who will join me in singing loudly and off-key in the car.”

“I’m taking applications for someone to be my personal food taster. Must be okay with sharing fries.”

“I need someone who will bring me coffee in bed without me needing to say a word.”

“I want a relationship where we can communicate through funny memes instead of words.”

“I’m just looking for someone who can keep up with my nonsensical babbling.”

“I need a person who will appreciate my ‘dad jokes’ and laugh at them, even when they’re terrible.”

“I’m just looking for someone who will understand that food is the way to my heart.”

“I want a relationship where we can have spontaneous dance parties in the kitchen.”

“I’m just looking for someone to try weird food combinations with me and see if they actually taste good.”

“I need a person who will take on the role of ‘official remote finder’ in our household.”

“I want a relationship that involves equal parts laughter, cuddles, and pizza.”

“I need someone who can handle my extreme clumsiness and still find it endearing.”

“Looking for someone who will join me in recreating cheesy romance movie scenes for fun.”

“I want a relationship where we can laugh at each other’s embarrassing moments and make memories out of them.”