“Mom, can I have some cake for breakfast? It’s my birthday… well, my stuffed animal’s birthday.”

“Dad, why do you have to go to work? Can’t you just stay home and play video games like me?”

“Mom, I don’t need to clean my room. It’s just organized chaos.”

“Dad, I can’t do my homework. YouTube said parents were supposed to help.”

“Mom, did you know that the tooth fairy also gives out money for good grades? Just saying…”

“Dad, can you believe it? I ate all my vegetables today… and then I found a hidden stash of Oreos.”

“Mom, guess what? I’m starting a band. I just need a guitar, drums, a microphone, and some talent.”

“Dad, do you know what’s scarier than monsters under the bed? Math homework.”

“Mom, this broccoli is definitely trying to kill me. It’s evil, I tell you!”

“Dad, I think I’m going to start a business selling toys. Can I borrow some money to get started?”

“Mom, can I have a pet dinosaur? I promise I’ll take it for walks, and clean up after its messes.”

“Dad, can I have a dollar for every chore I don’t do? It’s called a motivation fee.”

“Mom, can I skip school today? I already know everything they teach anyway… or at least I think I do.” PRECIOUS T FROM PRECIOUS PERSON QUOTES

“Dad, did you know that the more laundry you do, the more ninja skills you acquire? It’s true, I read it in a comic book.”

“Mom, why can’t vegetables taste like fried chicken? Life would be so much better.”

“Dad, I have a joke for you: Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!”

“Mom, if I become the President, I promise to make ice cream mandatory for breakfast.”

“Dad, can you talk to my teacher? I think she gave me too much homework. I mean, who needs to learn about fractions anyway?”

“Mom, I have a great idea! Let’s replace all our furniture with trampolines. It’ll make cleaning so much more fun!”

“Dad, when I grow up, I want to be a superhero. But like a lazy one who naps a lot.”

“Mom, why can’t I drink coffee like you? It’s just bean soup, right?”

“Dad, did you know that I can hear the plants talk? They’re always whispering, ‘Please water us!'”

“Mom, I have a secret superpower. I can make cookies disappear in the blink of an eye.”

“Dad, if I share my candy with you, does that mean you’ll let me stay up past my bedtime?”