“A true friend is not the one who constantly brings you down, but the one who uplifts and supports you.”

“Toxic friends are like poison disguised as flowers, they will slowly drain the life out of you.”

“Don’t let toxic friends dim your light, surround yourself with people who appreciate and celebrate your uniqueness.”

“Negative friends are like anchors, they constantly weigh you down and prevent you from moving forward in life.”

“Toxic friends never apologize for their behavior because they believe they are always right, even when they’re clearly wrong.”

“Cutting toxic friends out of your life is not a sign of weakness, it’s an act of self-preservation.”

“A true friend will never tear you down for their own amusement, they will always build you up and make you feel valued.”

“Toxic friends will always find a way to make everything about them, leaving you feeling unheard and unimportant.”

“Surrounding yourself with negative friends is like voluntarily drowning in a sea of negativity.”

“A true friend will never gossip about you behind your back, they will always defend and protect you.”

“Toxic friends love to criticize and point out your flaws, instead of celebrating your strengths.”

“Negative friends drain your energy and enthusiasm, leaving you feeling exhausted and unmotivated.” FREEDOM FROM RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“A toxic friend will always be full of excuses for their hurtful behavior, never taking responsibility for the pain they cause.”

“Surround yourself with friends who lift you up, not with those who constantly bring you down.”

“Toxic friends will bring you down to their level, instead of inspiring you to rise above it.”

“A true friend will never betray your trust, while a toxic friend will not hesitate to use your vulnerabilities against you.”

“Negative friends are like clouds that darken your sky, preventing the sun from shining through.”

“Cutting out toxic friends from your life may be painful, but it’s necessary for your own mental and emotional well-being.”

“Toxic friends will always find a way to make you doubt yourself and question your worth.”

“A true friend will never manipulate or control you, they will always respect your boundaries and choices.”

“Negative friends thrive on drama and chaos, often causing unnecessary conflict and stress.”

“Toxic friends will drain your positivity and infect you with their negativity if you allow them.”