“Neglect can eventually kill a relationship. Just like a plant, it needs constant care and attention to thrive.” – Unknown

“Neglect is like a slow poison, it eats away at the foundation of a relationship until there’s nothing left.” – Unknown

“Neglect is the ultimate betrayal in a relationship. It signifies a lack of love and respect for the other person.” – Unknown

“Neglect breeds resentment and distance in a relationship. It’s important to always make an effort to show love and appreciation.” – Unknown

“Neglecting a relationship is essentially giving up on it. It’s a choice to let it wither away.” – Unknown

“Neglect is a silent killer of love. It slowly chips away at the bond between two people until it’s irreparable.” – Unknown

“Neglect is the seed from which all other problems grow in a relationship. It’s the root cause of many issues.” – Unknown

“Neglecting someone you love is as good as telling them they don’t matter. It’s a betrayal of their trust and emotions.” – Unknown

“Neglect can hurt more than any physical pain. It’s a deep wound that may never fully heal.” – Unknown

“Neglecting a relationship is like neglecting a garden. Without proper care, it will wither and die.” – Unknown

“Neglect is the enemy of intimacy. It creates a barrier between two people and keeps them apart.” – Unknown

“Neglect is a choice, just like love. Choose wisely, for it will determine the fate of your relationship.” – Unknown

“Neglecting your partner is the first step towards losing them. Value them before it’s too late.” – Unknown

“Neglect is not just the absence of love, but the absence of effort and attention. It is a conscious decision to ignore someone’s needs.” – Unknown ERNEST HEMINGWAY QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“Neglect is a slow poison that seeps into the cracks of a relationship, destroying it from within.” – Unknown

“Neglect is like a rust that slowly corrodes the bond between two people. It eats away at the foundation until it crumbles.” – Unknown

“Neglect is the opposite of love. It is indifference and apathy towards the person you once cared for.” – Unknown

“Neglect is the silent killer of relationships. It’s important to always nurture and cherish the love you have.” – Unknown

“Neglecting someone you love is a form of emotional abandonment. It leaves them feeling alone and unimportant.” – Unknown

“Neglect is a choice, just like commitment. Choose to prioritize your relationship and watch it flourish.” – Unknown

“Neglecting your partner is like taking them for granted. It’s a dangerous game to play in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Neglect is the result of not prioritizing your relationship. It’s important to always make time for each other.” – Unknown

“Neglect is a wound that is often invisible but can cause deep emotional pain. It should never be underestimated.” – Unknown

“Neglecting a relationship is like neglecting your own happiness. It’s a choice that ultimately leads to regret.” – Unknown

“Neglecting someone you love is a betrayal of their trust and emotions. It’s important to always be present and attentive.” – Unknown

“Neglecting a relationship is like neglecting your own heart. It cannot thrive without proper care and attention.” – Unknown