“Nervousness is the anticipation of the unknown, but it can also be the gateway to great things.” – Unknown

“It’s okay to be nervous, it means that you care.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is the fuel that ignites our determination to succeed.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is just a feeling; it cannot control your actions unless you let it.” – Unknown

“Don’t let nervousness hold you back from stepping out of your comfort zone.” – Unknown

“Being nervous is a sign that you’re challenging yourself and pushing your limits.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is the price we pay for the excitement of new opportunities.” – Unknown

“Nerves are like the thunder before the storm. Embrace them, for success is on the other side.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is like a flame; it can either ignite your fears or fuel your passions.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is natural; it shows that you care deeply about what you’re about to do.” – Unknown

“The best way to deal with nervousness is to channel it into positive energy.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is the companion of greatness. Embrace it as a sign that you’re on the right path.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is temporary, but the memories of overcoming it will last a lifetime.” – Unknown DEPRESSION ABOUT LIFE QUOTES

“Nervousness is the spice that adds flavor to our achievements.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is the indicator that you’re about to embark on something meaningful.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is the price we pay for growth and personal development.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is often a sign that you’re about to do something brave and extraordinary.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is the wind beneath the wings of progress.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is the catalyst for taking risks and pursuing our dreams.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is a reminder that you’re alive and ready to face any challenge.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is just a temporary state; let it fuel your determination to succeed.” – Unknown

“Nervousness may knock on your door, but it’s up to you whether you let it in or not.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is the ticket to the rollercoaster ride of life; buckle up and enjoy the adventure.” – Unknown

“Nervousness is the mate of bravery; embrace it and let it guide you to greatness.” – Unknown