“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” – Maya Angelou

“Don’t be an option, be a choice.” – Unknown

“Never settle for being someone’s backup plan, always be their first choice.” – Unknown

“Know your worth, and don’t settle for being someone’s second choice.” – Unknown

“Never allow yourself to be an option when you deserve to be a priority.” – Unknown

“You should never settle for being someone’s second choice. You deserve to be someone’s first and only choice.” – Unknown

“When it comes to relationships, never settle for being someone’s backup option. You deserve to be someone’s first and only choice.” – Unknown

“Never be an option to someone who sees you as a priority.” – Unknown

“If someone is treating you like an option, it’s time to start treating them like a choice.” – Unknown

“Never be someone’s second choice when you can be someone’s only choice.” – Unknown

“Don’t settle for being someone’s backup plan. You deserve to be someone’s first choice.” – Unknown

“It’s better to be alone than to be someone’s second choice.” – Unknown BEST NAVY QUOTES

“Never waste your time on someone who sees you as an option. Find someone who makes you a priority.” – Unknown

“Don’t be an option for someone who is your priority. Choose people who choose you.” – Unknown

“Never be an option in someone’s life when you can be someone’s everything.” – Unknown

“Don’t settle for being someone’s last resort. Be their first choice or nothing at all.” – Unknown

“Being an option to someone is not a position of strength. Demand to be their priority or walk away.” – Unknown

“Never settle for being someone’s alternative. You deserve to be their top choice.” – Unknown

“Only invest your time and energy in those who see you as their first choice, not an optional extra.” – Unknown

“Don’t be someone’s backup plan, be their first choice. You deserve nothing less.” – Unknown

“Never be an option when you can be someone’s everything.” – Unknown

“Remember, you are not the backup option. You are someone’s first and only choice.” – Unknown