“Never go back to an old love, no matter how strong your feelings are. If it didn’t work out once, chances are it won’t work out again.” – Unknown

“Relationships end for a reason. Going back to an ex is like trying to put a broken glass back together – you’ll only end up hurting yourself.” – Unknown

“Sometimes we have to remove people from our lives for our own growth. Going back to an ex is like going backwards in that process.” – Unknown

“An ex is called an ex for a reason – they belong in the past, not in your future.” – Unknown

“The only reason you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come. Going back to an ex means you’re not moving forward.” – Unknown

“Exes are exes for a reason. Going back to them is a waste of time and an opportunity to find someone better.” – Unknown

“When you go back to an ex, you’re not starting a new chapter. You’re just re-reading the same old story.” – Unknown

“You deserve someone who chooses you every day, not someone who’s unsure and keeps going back and forth.” – Unknown

“Never go back to an ex who hurt you. Staying broken is better than trying to glue back the pieces with someone who broke you in the first place.” – Unknown

“Your ex is just your ex for a reason. Going back to them is like trying to hit ‘undo’ on a mistake you’ve already made.” – Unknown

“Going back to an ex is like putting on old clothes that don’t fit anymore. It may feel comfortable for a moment, but it won’t make you happy in the long run.” – Unknown

“An ex is an ex for a reason. Remember that and move forward, not backward.” – Unknown

“Sometimes we have to accept that things don’t work out and let go. Going back to an ex is a step backward, not a step forward.” – Unknown

“Don’t let loneliness or nostalgia trick you into going back to an ex. Remember why it didn’t work and focus on finding someone who’s right for you.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT TURNING 40

“If you keep going back to an ex, ask yourself: Are you really in love with them or just in love with the idea of having someone?” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your time longing for the past. The right person for you is waiting in your future, not your ex.” – Unknown

“Going back to an ex means settling for what’s comfortable, instead of fighting for what you truly deserve.” – Unknown

“An ex is like a closed chapter in a book. Going back to them is like reopening that chapter – you already know the ending.” – Unknown

“Your ex is an ex for a reason. Going back to them is like pressing the rewind button on your life, instead of moving forward.” – Unknown

“You can’t keep recycling the same toxic relationship and expect a different outcome. It’s time to let go and find something better.” – Unknown

“Going back to an ex is like rereading the same book over and over again, expecting a different ending. It’s time to find a new story.” – Unknown

“Don’t let nostalgia cloud your judgment. Going back to an ex will only lead to the same old problems you had before.” – Unknown

“Don’t let fear of the unknown make you settle for an ex. Embrace the uncertainty and give yourself the chance to find true happiness.” – Unknown

“It’s better to be single and happy than to be in a relationship that constantly brings you pain. Never go back to an ex who hurt you.” – Unknown

“You can’t rewrite the past by going back to an ex. Focus on creating a better future for yourself.” – Unknown

“Letting go of an ex is a step towards self-love and growth. Going back to them is a step backwards.” – Unknown