“People change, and it’s unfair to hold their past against them.”

“Everyone deserves a second chance.”

“Don’t judge someone based on the chapter you walked in on; they might have a beautiful story to share.”

“The past doesn’t define who someone is, it’s their actions now that matter.”

“Instead of condemning, try to understand.”

“We shouldn’t be defined by our mistakes, but by how we learn from them.”

“The past is a lesson, not a life sentence.”

“Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”

“Focus on who someone is becoming, not who they used to be.”

“Don’t let someone’s past overshadow their potential.”

“Everyone has a story, so be kind before you judge.” QUOTES THAT MAKE YOU QUESTION REALITY

“We all have different journeys; what matters is the destination we choose.”

“It takes great strength to move forward from a painful past; don’t judge someone for trying.”

“It’s easy to judge, but it takes wisdom to understand.”

“Don’t let your perception of someone’s past cloud your ability to see their present progress.”

“Don’t judge someone based on the mistakes they’ve made; instead, strive to see their growth.”

“Judge actions, not labels.”

“Change is the only constant; don’t hold someone back for who they used to be.”

“It’s hypocritical to judge someone’s past when we all have things we’d rather forget.”

“Offer grace and understanding to others, as you hope to receive the same in return.”