“In the heat of anger, the tongue can reveal the true character of a person.”

“Anger clouds our judgment and distorts our words.”

“Words spoken in anger are often regretted in peace.”

“Never let anger control your tongue, for you can’t take back what’s already been said.”

“Silence is a better response than speaking in anger.”

“Anger is only one letter away from danger.”

“Anger fuels words that we later wish were never said.”

“Resentment is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die.”

“Angry words can cause more harm than any physical action.”

“Speaking from anger won’t solve anything, it only adds fuel to the fire.”

“You can’t undo the wounds caused by words spoken in anger.”

“Think twice before you speak, for words spoken in anger cannot be unheard.” FUNNY ALIBI QUOTES

“Pause, breathe, and think before responding in anger.”

“Speaking out of anger is a temporary release, but the consequences can be long-lasting.”

“Anger weakens us, while forgiveness empowers us.”

“The angrier we become, the more irrational our words tend to be.”

“Anger creates a barrier that love and understanding can’t penetrate.”

“Lashing out in anger only reveals our own insecurities.”

“Words spoken in anger are rarely a reflection of the truth.”

“Angry words leave scars that are invisible but deeply felt.”

“Reacting in anger gives power to the person who angered you.”

“The greatest victory over anger is knowing when to remain silent.”