“Trust is earned, and lying is a quick way to lose it.”

“Once someone lies to you, it’s hard to trust anything they say.”

“When someone lies to you, they show they don’t value your trust or respect.”

“A liar will always be a liar, no matter how much you try to trust them.”

“Never trust someone who lies to you, for their actions speak louder than their words.”

“He who lies to you once will lie to you again, and again.”

“Lies are the bricks that destroy the foundation of trust.”

“Honesty is the key to a healthy and trustworthy relationship.”

“Choose to surround yourself with people who value truth and integrity.”

“Trust is a fragile thing; once broken, it is hard to mend.”

“A liar’s promises are like a castle in the air; they hold no substance.”

“Lies may seem convenient at the moment, but they bring long-lasting damage to trust.” QUOTES ABOUT MOTHER AND DAUGHTER LOOK ALIKE

“Trust is built on truth, and deception destroys it piece by piece.”

“You can’t have a strong bond with someone who constantly deceives you.”

“Once the trust is gone, it’s hard to build it back up.”

“Truth may hurt, but lies destroy.”

“Lying is the beginning of the end for any relationship.”

“A person who lies to you is only looking out for themselves, not your well-being.”

“Lies erode the foundation of any relationship, leaving behind a pile of rubble.”

“Trust can take years to build, but only seconds to shatter.”

“Lying may seem like an easy way out, but it only creates complexity and distrust.”

“Someone who lies to you doesn’t respect your right to know the truth.”

“Don’t let someone who constantly deceives you have power over your emotions and trust.”