“Time wasted on someone who doesn’t value you is time that could have been spent finding someone who does.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your time trying to change someone who doesn’t want to change.” – Unknown

“Your time is valuable, don’t waste it on someone who doesn’t appreciate it.” – Unknown

“Don’t let someone waste your time when they don’t have any intention of being a part of your future.” – Unknown

“Time wasted on someone who isn’t worth it is time you’ll never get back.” – Unknown

“Recognize when someone is wasting your time, and have the courage to walk away.” – Unknown

“The best way to save your time is to stop wasting it on someone who isn’t worth it.” – Unknown

“Don’t allow someone to waste your precious time when they don’t deserve a single minute of it.” – Unknown

“Your time is too valuable to be wasted on someone who doesn’t see your worth.” – Unknown

“Don’t let someone waste your time when there are better things waiting for you.” – Unknown

“Stop investing your time on someone who isn’t reciprocating your efforts.” – Unknown

“Time is too short to waste it on someone who doesn’t appreciate your presence.” – Unknown

“Don’t sacrifice your time for someone who wouldn’t do the same for you.” – Unknown AWESOME QUOTES ABOUT LIFE AND LOVE FOR FACEBOOK

“Your time should be spent on those who make you feel alive, not on someone who drains your energy.” – Unknown

“Do not allow someone to hold you back from pursuing your dreams or wasting your time.” – Unknown

“Wasting time on someone who doesn’t value you is like throwing away precious moments of your life.” – Unknown

“When someone shows you their true colors, believe them, and don’t waste any more time on them.” – Maya Angelou

“Stop trying to prove your worth to someone who doesn’t appreciate you. Your time is better spent elsewhere.” – Unknown

“Wasting time on someone who doesn’t love you back only delays the arrival of the right person.” – Unknown

“Don’t allow someone to continue wasting your time. Take control and move on to better things.” – Unknown

“Your time is a gift, don’t waste it on someone who takes it for granted.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away and stop wasting your time on someone who doesn’t deserve you.” – Unknown

“Never let someone’s presence take away the time you could be spending on your own growth and happiness.” – Unknown

“You deserve someone who doesn’t waste your time, so don’t settle for anything less.” – Unknown