“My new boyfriend better be careful, because I have a whole arsenal of bad puns ready to unleash.”

“Someone asked me if I believe in love at first sight. I responded, ‘I believe in laughing at first sight,’ and then my new boyfriend walked in.”

“I’m warning my new boyfriend right now: I can’t guarantee that all my jokes will be funny, but I can guarantee that they’ll at least make you cringe.”

“My new boyfriend said he loves surprises, so I hid all his socks. Let’s see how much he loves surprises now.”

“I told my new boyfriend that we should adopt a pet together, and he responded with, ‘Sure, as long as it’s not a spider.’ Looks like I found the perfect match.”

“My new boyfriend claims he can make me laugh so hard that I’ll forget about all my worries. I think I’ll put his skills to the test during tax season.”

“I told my new boyfriend that in this relationship, I come with two volumes: loud and louder. He’s still deciding if that’s a deal-breaker or not.”

“My new boyfriend thought he was charming until he met my dad. Now he knows who the real competition is.”

“My new boyfriend said he’s a master at cooking. I asked him if he can make me a sandwich, and he responded with, ‘Only if it’s grilled cheese.’ Looks like I found my soulmate.”

“My new boyfriend asked me what my favorite type of music is. I told him it’s the sound of his laughter every time I crack a joke.”

“My new boyfriend claims he’s a great dancer. I can’t wait to see his moves when our favorite song comes on, which happens to be ‘The Macarena.'”

“I told my new boyfriend that I’m a package deal: you get me, my questionable music taste, and my obsession with cat memes.”

“My new boyfriend said he’s a romantic. I told him to prove it by writing me a sonnet about pizza. Turns out, he’s more talented than I thought.”

“My new boyfriend thinks he has a great sense of humor, but I haven’t even introduced him to my dad jokes yet.” I WILL CHERISH THE MEMORIES QUOTES

“I told my new boyfriend that my love language is memes. He better be prepared to receive a lot of them.”

“My new boyfriend claims he can make me laugh until I cry. Challenge accepted. I’ll start by showing him all my embarrassing childhood photos.”

“My new boyfriend said he loves going on adventurous dates. Little does he know, my idea of adventure involves trying out weird food combinations and watching cheesy movies.”

“I warned my new boyfriend that I’m absolutely terrible at dancing. Let’s see if he’s prepared for the tornado of awkwardness that I’ll unleash on the dance floor.”

“My new boyfriend said he enjoys long walks on the beach. I just hope he’s prepared for my deep discussions about sea turtles and sand castle architecture.”

“I told my new boyfriend that my love for him is like pi: endless and irrational. He responded with, ‘Well, I hope that love comes with some good desserts.'”

“I asked my new boyfriend if he’s okay with my obsession with organizing things. He said, ‘As long as you don’t try to alphabetize my cereal boxes.’ Looks like we’re in perfect sync.”

“My new boyfriend thinks he’s the funniest person in the world. I can’t wait to show him my collection of memes that will put his humor to shame.”

“I warned my new boyfriend that I have a knack for accidentally injuring myself. He better be prepared to become an expert in first aid.”

“My new boyfriend claims he’s a great singer. I’ll judge that for myself during our car karaoke sessions of 90s boy band songs.”

“I told my new boyfriend that my love language is sarcasm. Let’s see if he can keep up with my quick wit.”

“My new boyfriend claims he’s a pro at cooking breakfast. I’m hoping he can make pancakes in the shape of my favorite animals, specifically dinosaurs.”

“I told my new boyfriend that my love for him is like a fart: it may be temporary, but it’s sure to make an impact. He better be ready for some unforgettable moments.”