“Every great discovery begins with a dreamer. Be bold enough to dream, and courageous enough to pursue your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust

“Discovery requires curiosity and being open to new possibilities.” – Steven Spielberg

“Discovery is the journey of the mind and soul, where the depths of human potential are revealed.” – Unknown

“In every new discovery, there lies a world of untapped knowledge waiting to be explored.” – Unknown

“The thrill of discovery lies in the unexpected. Embrace the unknown and let it guide you towards new horizons.” – Unknown

“The greatest discoveries often come from uncharted territories. Dare to venture into the unknown.” – Unknown

“Discovery is not just about finding something new; it is about finding yourself in the process.” – Unknown

“True discovery is not a destination, but a never-ending journey of self-discovery.” – Unknown

“The joy of discovery is the fuel that ignites the fire within us to keep exploring.” – Unknown

“Discovery is not limited to the realms of science and exploration; it is also about discovering oneself.” – Unknown MAYA ANGELOU QUOTE ABOUT HOW YOU MAKE SOMEONE FEEL

“The world is filled with wonders waiting to be discovered. Open your mind and let your curiosity guide you.” – Unknown

“The pursuit of discovery is a testament to the human spirit’s insatiable hunger for knowledge.” – Unknown

“Discovery is the birthplace of innovation and progress. Embrace the unknown and let it inspire you.” – Unknown

“True discovery is not merely stumbling upon something new, but truly understanding its significance.” – Unknown

“Discovery is the art of turning the impossible into the possible.” – Unknown

“The thrill of discovery lies in pushing the boundaries and surpassing what was previously thought to be impossible.” – Unknown

“In the journey of discovery, the greatest obstacles are often the doubts and fears within ourselves.” – Unknown

“Discovery requires the courage to let go of the familiar and embrace the unknown.” – Unknown

“In the vast tapestry of existence, discovery is the thread that weaves us all together.” – Unknown

“Every discovery reshapes our understanding of the world and challenges us to evolve.” – Unknown