“In Christianity, neither morality nor religion comes into contact with reality at any point.”

“Faith: not wanting to know what is true.”

“The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.”

“The Bible is a book of revenge, a book of hatred and division.”

“Christianity is the revenge of the weak against the strong.”

“Christianity was a vampire of wickedness, sucking inheritance, life, and strength out of all things.”

“There was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.”

“The Christian concept of God: an insipid, vengeful, preposterous creature who needs to be periodically placated with blood.”

“Christianity is the most fatal and seductive lie that has ever yet existed.”

“The Bible invents a god who is weak, revengeful, and jealous.”

“The kingdom of God is a synonym for Hell.” WORK LUNCH QUOTES

“Only sick music makes money in Christianity nowadays.”

“The Christian faith from the beginning was, and is, essentially dogmatic. It represses doubt, as sinful; it cuts off all free inquiry.”

“The Bible stands at the beginning of the lack of trust in oneself: the great lie that one cannot trust oneself and must turn to an external authority.”

“Christianity has mistakenly made pity the greatest virtue.”

“Christianity makes suffering contagious.”

“The Bible is a colossal fraud against humanity!”

“Christianity is the greatest curse that ever infected the earth.”

“The Bible does not contain true morality but rather a revengeful and immoral mindset.”

“The Bible is a corrupted tool used to manipulate and control the masses.”

“The Bible is a testament to the weakness of the human mind and its susceptibility to delusion.”