“I’m not a chef, I’m a home cook, and I still struggle to make rice sometimes.”

“I believe that the secret ingredient to any good dish is love, and a little bit of butter doesn’t hurt either.”

“I may not be a size zero, but I can guarantee that my food will always make you feel like a perfect ten.”

“A messy kitchen is a sign of culinary greatness… or at least that’s what I tell myself.”

“I don’t think there’s such a thing as too much chocolate. If in doubt, add more.”

“Life is too short to drink bad wine or eat tasteless food.”

“The best recipes are the ones that leave your kitchen looking like a war zone.”

“Cooking is like love, it should be shared generously and without restraint.”

“I never trust a person who doesn’t like garlic.”

“A little bit of butter makes everything better.”

“Eating carbs is my way of balancing out the chaos in the world.”

“I have too many cookbooks, said no food lover ever.”

“I am unapologetically in love with food. If that makes me greedy, then so be it.” THOUGH QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“My philosophy in the kitchen? If in doubt, add more cheese.”

“Nothing brings people together like good food and good company.”

“The key to a successful dinner party is good friends and plenty of wine.”

“I’m not a chef, I just play one in my own kitchen.”

“Cooking is my therapy. Food is my comfort.”

“I’ve never met a dessert I didn’t like.”

“I don’t need a funny apron to cook, my wit is enough to spice up any meal.”

“If you can’t eat it with your hands, then it’s not worth eating.”

“If life gives you lemons, make lemon curd and serve it with a delicious cake.”

“When in doubt, add more butter and pour yourself a glass of wine.”

“I can resist anything except temptation…especially when it comes to chocolate.”

“Food is the universal language of love. So cook up a storm and spread the love.”