“In a relationship, the absence of drama is a sign of true love.” – Unknown

“Love is supposed to bring you peace, not drama.” – Unknown

“The less drama, the better the relationship.” – Unknown

“True love doesn’t come with drama.” – Unknown

“A peaceful relationship is a blissful one.” – Unknown

“No drama, just love.” – Unknown

“A drama-free relationship is the best kind of relationship.” – Unknown

“Never let drama ruin a perfectly good relationship.” – Unknown

“Real love doesn’t need drama to thrive.” – Unknown

“Choose a partner who brings peace, not drama.” – Unknown

“A healthy relationship is built on trust and no drama.” – Unknown

“Drama-free relationships are the key to happiness.” – Unknown

“Choose peace and love over drama.” – Unknown

“Drama is not a requirement for a passionate relationship.” – Unknown

“A peaceful relationship is worth more than all the drama in the world.” – Unknown 24 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS QUOTES

“A drama-free love story is the best story.” – Unknown

“The happiest relationships are the ones with little to no drama.” – Unknown

“Drama can’t exist where love prevails.” – Unknown

“Real love is quiet, beautiful, and drama-free.” – Unknown

“In a no drama relationship, joy and love thrive.” – Unknown

“True love understands the value of a drama-free relationship.” – Unknown

“Drama-free love is the sweetest kind of love.” – Unknown

“No drama, just love and understanding.” – Unknown

“The strongest relationships are built on trust, not drama.” – Unknown

“A drama-free relationship is a gift worth cherishing.” – Unknown

“Drama should never be the focus in a loving relationship.” – Unknown

“A no drama relationship allows room for growth and happiness.” – Unknown

“Drama may be exciting, but a peaceful relationship is fulfilling.” – Unknown