“No one is above the law, not even those who make the laws.” – Lyndon B. Johnson

“In the eyes of the law, we are all equal.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“The law does not discriminate; it applies to everyone equally.” – Sandra Day O’Connor

“Justice and fairness can only prevail when no one is exempt from the law.” – John F. Kennedy

“An individual’s status or power should never shield them from the consequences of their actions.” – Jimmy Carter

“The law is blind to our differences; it sees only the actions we take.” – Warren E. Burger

“A just society ensures that no one, regardless of their position, is exempt from the law’s reach.” – Sonia Sotomayor

“A system that allows some to be above the law erodes the very foundation of justice.” – Thurgood Marshall

“One of the hallmarks of a true democracy is that no one is above the law.” – Barack Obama

“The law acts as a shield for the weak and a means for justice against the powerful.” – Elena Kagan

“A society cannot thrive when some individuals believe they are exempt from following the law.” – William Rehnquist

“The law’s purpose is to serve and protect society as a whole, not to favor the privileged few.” – John F. Kennedy REMEMBRANCE SISTER DEATH ANNIVERSARY QUOTES

“No one’s position, wealth, or influence should grant them immunity from the law’s consequences.” – Sonia Sotomayor

“When justice is blind, no one can escape its reach, regardless of their status.” – Sandra Day O’Connor

“The law exists to hold us all accountable, regardless of our social standing.” – Earl Warren

“The law does not discriminate; it treats everyone equally, regardless of their position in society.” – John G. Roberts Jr.

“A just society must ensure that no one can act with impunity, no matter their station in life.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“When no one is above the law, justice prevails and trust in the system remains.” – William H. Taft

“The law is the great equalizer, ensuring that no one is exempt from its principles.” – Benjamin Cardozo

“The law keeps those in power in check, ensuring no one becomes above the law.” – Earl Warren

“Respect for the law means no one is above its reach, regardless of their influence.” – Sandra Day O’Connor

“A just society is one in which no one is above the law, and all are held accountable.” – Thurgood Marshall