“Sometimes, being alone is better than being in a relationship that makes you feel lonely.”

“A relationship should bring joy, not constant sadness.”

“When the relationship doesn’t make you happy anymore, it’s time to let go.”

“Love should never be a reason for your unhappiness.”

“You deserve a love that makes you feel alive, not one that brings you down.”

“Don’t settle for a relationship that brings you more tears than laughter.”

“If you have to constantly question your happiness in a relationship, then it’s probably not the right one for you.”

“Never sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of a relationship.”

“When you feel trapped and suffocated in a relationship, it’s time to reconsider your happiness.”

“Being in a toxic relationship can steal your happiness and drain your energy.”

“True happiness in a relationship is when both partners lift each other up, not bring each other down.”

“You can’t force someone to make you happy in a relationship. Happiness should come naturally.”

“Love yourself enough to walk away from a relationship that no longer serves your happiness.” NEW DIRECTION QUOTES

“Sometimes, being single and content is far better than being in a relationship and unhappy.”

“Don’t let fear of being alone keep you in a relationship that makes you miserable.”

“Happiness should never be compromised in a relationship. It’s a non-negotiable.”

“A relationship should add value to your life, not take away from it.”

“Don’t settle for a relationship that constantly makes you doubt your worth and happiness.”

“When you’re unhappy in a relationship, it’s like being stuck in a dark tunnel with no way out.”

“If a relationship consistently brings you pain instead of joy, it’s time to reassess your happiness.”

“The best relationship is one where you both strive to bring out the best in each other, not one that brings constant unhappiness.”

“Happiness should be a priority in every relationship. Without it, the relationship crumbles.”

“A healthy relationship flourishes with trust, love, and happiness. Anything less isn’t worth staying for.”

“Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is walk away from a relationship that doesn’t make you happy.”