“A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your happiness.”

“It’s better to be alone and happy than to be in a miserable and toxic relationship.”

“Sometimes, you have to let go of toxic relationships to make space for happier ones.”

“Love shouldn’t be a constant battle, it should be a source of joy.”

“Don’t settle for a relationship that makes you unhappy.”

“You deserve someone who adds happiness to your life, not someone who takes it away.”

“Stop holding onto a relationship that no longer brings you joy.”

“You can’t force happiness in a relationship that doesn’t have the foundations for it.”

“Your happiness should never depend on someone else’s actions in a relationship.”

“Don’t stay in a relationship that makes you feel empty inside.”

“Putting your own happiness first in a relationship is not selfish, it’s necessary.”

“You deserve a relationship that nourishes your soul, not one that drains you.”

“Happiness is found within yourself, not in someone else’s arms.” BEST BOOK QUOTES EVER

“Invest in a healthy relationship, not in staying miserable.”

“If they can’t make you happy, it’s time to find someone who can.”

“Don’t settle for a relationship that is less than what you deserve.”

“You can’t find happiness in a relationship if you don’t have it within yourself.”

“Sometimes, walking away from a relationship is the bravest thing you can do for your own happiness.”

“Don’t confuse love with someone who constantly brings you down.”

“Happiness is not a luxury in a relationship, it’s a necessity.”

“Sometimes, the best relationship is the one you have with yourself.”

“Your happiness matters more than any relationship.”

“Don’t give up your happiness for the sake of a relationship.”

“The key to a happy relationship is being happy within yourself.”

“Don’t be afraid to let go of a relationship that no longer brings you happiness.”