Here are 22 quotes that are not in the Christmas spirit:

“Happiness is overrated.”

“Love is just a temporary illusion.”

“Nobody cares about your feelings.”

“Life is meaningless.”

“Success is just a myth.”

“There is no such thing as true friendship.”

“Dreams are meant to be shattered.”

“Hope is for the weak.”

“You will always be alone in the end.”

“The world is a cruel and unforgiving place.”

“Trust no one, not even yourself.” CHRISTMAS FASHION QUOTES

“Kindness is a sign of weakness.”

“Money is the only thing that matters.”

“You are destined to fail.”

“There is no such thing as a happy ending.”

“Love is a game, and nobody wins.”

“Time heals nothing; it only numbs the pain.”

“Faith is for fools.”

“You can never escape your past.”

“The universe is indifferent to your existence.”

“Life is an eternal struggle.”

“Your dreams are just a pipe dream.”