“Nothing ever works out for me, it’s like I’m cursed.”

“Every time I try, I just end up failing. It feels hopeless.”

“No matter how hard I work, everything still falls apart.”

“I always seem to be stuck in a cycle of disappointment and frustration.”

“Why do bad things always happen to me? It’s like fate is against me.”

“I’ve lost faith in the idea that anything will ever go right for me.”

“I feel like I’m destined for a life of constant struggle and disappointment.”

“Success seems to be reserved for everyone else but me.”

“Another setback, another reminder that things never work out.”

“I can’t help but feel like a failure, no matter what I do.”

“When will the universe finally throw me a bone?”

“It seems like a cruel joke that nothing ever falls into place for me.”

“I’m tired of trying because the outcome is always the same.”

“I’m beginning to think that success is just not in the cards for me.”

“Every door I try to open just slams shut in my face.”

“I’m constantly reminded of my inability to make things work.” SPECIAL PERSON T QUOTES

“I’ve become accustomed to disappointment; it’s my default state.”

“I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been let down by life.”

“It’s hard to stay positive when nothing ever goes my way.”

“I’ve accepted that the world just isn’t on my side.”

“I feel like I’m trapped in a never-ending cycle of failure.”

“I can’t help but think that I’m just not meant to succeed.”

“I’ve developed a fear of trying because it always leads to disappointment.”

“Nothing ever works out for me, and it’s starting to take a toll on my self-esteem.”

“I often wonder if I’m destined for a life of mediocrity.”

“I’m tired of being the one who is always left disappointed.”

“Failure seems to follow me wherever I go.”

“I’m stuck in a constant state of frustration and discouragement.”

“It’s hard not to feel like a victim of my own circumstances.”

“No matter how hard I try to change my luck, it remains consistently against me.”