“Þæt bið gelæste swyðe fæger, þonne se hlafurd sceal mid his hlaford beon” – “That is a very fair reconciliation, when the servant must be with his lord.”

Meaning: True harmony is achieved when both the servant and the master are in agreement.

“Gif þæt rinc yeþeþ, he leort geferan” – “If the warrior is brave, he learns loyalty.”

Meaning: Courageous individuals establish trust and loyalty in their relationships.

“Næfre bið se þridda lyft soð, se þe slihð oþerne man” – “The third sky is never true, when one person strikes another.”

Meaning: Violence and aggression can never lead to a genuine resolution.

“Hæraþ þone dæl ic eow secgan mæg, þæt eom ic staðolfæst” – “I can tell you that portion, that I am steadfast.”

Meaning: I can assure you that I am reliable and firm in my commitment.

“Sælre is eahta oþþe hund, ðonne mid leofan men lifgan, þonne ænig mæncynnes þe” – “Better is eight or a hundred, than living with a loved one, better than any human being.”

Meaning: It is better to have the company of a few loyal and trustworthy individuals than to be surrounded by a large number of people who are not genuinely caring.

“Eadig bið se ðe hine sylfne gewealcþ” – “Blessed is the one who examines oneself.”

Meaning: It is beneficial to regularly self-reflect and examine one’s actions and intentions.

“Nædla sceal hafaðynn” – “The needle should have an eye.”

Meaning: Even the smallest or seemingly insignificant things have a purpose and function.

“Ne eom ic feower and fealde yldra, ac an forcyningesgeatwe – “I am not four and twenty elders, but one from the King’s retinue.”

Meaning: I may not possess the wisdom and experience of many, but I am still valuable and worthy.

“Eadig bið se ðe his mondryhtne geliceþ” – “Blessed is the one who serves his master.”

Meaning: It is an honor and privilege to serve one’s leader or master faithfully.

“Nædre bið se þurhþogen, þe þæt beadoweard dysige lest” – “The serpent is strong through the warrior’s mistake.”

Meaning: Mistakes made by a warrior or leader can provide opportunities for adversaries to gain an advantage.

“Blisse bearnum is betere” – “It is better to give joy to children.”

Meaning: It is important to prioritize the well-being of children and bring them happiness.

“Geongum giefe is gecynde” – “Youthful achievement is natural.”

Meaning: It is expected and natural for young individuals to accomplish great things.

“Biþ se þe his feond geþolaþ earh geþystraþ” – “The one who endures his enemy darkens his fate.”

Meaning: Patience in enduring an enemy or adversary can lead to their downfall.

“Freoþuwebsynn þyses folces bið us e allum yrfestód” – “Peaceful prosperity of this folk is our heritage.”

Meaning: The collective inheritance of our people is a prosperous and tranquil existence.

“Gif þe monnon forþweorfeþ, forweorþeþ his feorh” – “If a man perishes, his life perishes with him.” QUOTES ABOUT TIDES AND LOVE

Meaning: The death of an individual signifies the end of their existence.

“Þe se scealkesaht sid1 forsitan” – “The servant’s claim therefore fades.”

Meaning: An unreliable or untruthful servant will eventually lose credibility.

“On lagum hlafard mec lange weaht” – “In treaties, for a long time, my lord has guided me.”

Meaning: Over a prolonged period, my lord has provided guidance and support in legal matters.

“Mitig sibbut gode sie” – “Good peace may be secured.”

Meaning: It is possible to achieve and maintain a peaceful state through cooperation and understanding.

“Ær pædere daga of tiro” – “Before the days turn into dust.”

Meaning: It is important to make the most of each day as time passes quickly.

“Wic marap heht, widboregum ymbtersweac” – “He ordered a larger dwelling, and a wider shelter for the weary.”

Meaning: The leader generously provides a more spacious place and increased protection for those in need.

“Hætwearde weorod þe glædum scylebearn swa swædo” – “The brave guard, whose offspring shall be glorious.”

Meaning: A courageous guardian raises children who will bring honor and glory.

“Him bið wyrðra þæt se wite yrra bið” – “It is worthier to him who suffers, the punishment is closer.”

Meaning: One who endures punishment and suffering will find a greater reward.

“Unhlyttru brig bie hapal” – “Unhappiness will prevail in a divided city.”

Meaning: Discord and disunity within a community result in unhappiness and strife.

“Hyra ræd geþystraþ on twa” – “Their judgement darkens into two.”

Meaning: Their decision or resolution divides into two opposing views.

“On ðam springan wonge manfang þece oft” – “On that flowing meadow many battles took place.”

Meaning: Numerous battles occurred on that open field.

“Sibb þearle unræhte” – “Peace utterly ruined.”

Meaning: The state of peace has been completely destroyed and disrupted.

“He mæhates lean weceþlireþ” – “He avenges with malice.”

Meaning: He seeks revenge with ill intent.

“Horsa oþ hrægilstás hæleþa bæð” – “From the horse to the funeral pyre, the warriors bathe.”

Meaning: Brave warriors undergo rituals and ceremonies from their ride into battle until their final resting place.