Unfortunately, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Olivia Munn has not published a book. Therefore, I cannot provide any quotes from her book. However, Olivia Munn has shared insightful quotes in interviews and public appearances. Here are some notable quotes by Olivia Munn:

“You have to make your own opportunities, not wait for them.”

“Beauty fades, dumb is forever.”

“You have to have faith in yourself first to get anywhere.”

“The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to trust my instincts.”

“Fear is the anticipation of pain, and embracing it is the only way to grow.”

“You can’t control everything that happens, but you can decide not to be reduced by it.”

“The more you embrace your own flaws and vulnerabilities, the more empowered you become.”

“It’s important to be proactive and fight for what you believe in.”

“Comparison is the thief of joy; focus on your own journey.”

“Listen to your gut feelings and trust yourself.”

“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; they are important learning experiences.”

“Success is not guaranteed, but hard work and dedication increase your chances.”

“It’s important to give back and use your platform for positive change.”

“Take risks and don’t be afraid of failure; it’s an opportunity for growth.”

“Self-care is vital; prioritize your mental and emotional well-being.” BEAUTIFUL QUOTES FOR DAUGHTER

“Surround yourself with supportive and uplifting people.”

“You don’t have to fit into anyone else’s mold. Embrace your uniqueness.”

“Stay true to yourself and your values; authenticity is magnetic.”

“Be curious and never stop learning.”

“Invest in yourself by constantly evolving and improving.”

“Find your passion and pursue it relentlessly.”

“Speak up for what you believe in; your voice matters.”

“Stay humble and grounded, regardless of success.”

“Celebrate small victories along the way; they add up.”

“Be grateful for what you have, but never settle—keep striving for more.”

“Don’t let fear of judgment hold you back; embrace your true self.”

“Learn from criticism, but don’t let it define you.”

“Kindness and empathy go a long way in creating a positive impact.”

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade—and then share it with others.”

Please note that these quotes are based on Olivia Munn’s general views and statements and may not be directly from her book.