“The truth always finds its way to the surface, no matter how deeply it is buried.”

“In the end, lies will crumble, and only the truth will stand tall.”

“The truth is a powerful force that cannot be silenced forever.”

“Time has a way of unraveling secrets and unveiling the truth.”

“Truth may be hidden, but it can never be extinguished.”

“The truth may be elusive, but it’s relentless pursuit is inevitable.”

“Eventually, every secret comes to light and the truth prevails.”

“No matter how hard we try to hide it, the truth will always unveil itself.”

“The path to truth is long and winding, but it always leads to revelation.”

“The truth may be delayed, but it can never be denied.”

“Honesty may be delayed, but truth will always find a way to shine.”

“The truth is like a sunrise, eventually breaking through the darkness.”

“No lie can withstand the eternal quest for the truth.” LOVE QUOTES ABOUT PAST AND FUTURE

“The truth is patient—it waits for the right moment to emerge.”

“Truth may be veiled by deception, but it will never be defeated.”

“The truth will not be contained—it will break free, no matter the obstacles.”

“When the truth finally reveals itself, it brings liberation and freedom.”

“The truth remains dormant until the right time to flourish arrives.”

“The truth is a persistent force, always working towards revelation.”

“Lies may have a short life, but the truth stands strong for eternity.”

“In the end, truth illuminates the darkest corners of deceit.”

“The truth cannot be suppressed indefinitely—it will rise to the surface.”

“Time will unravel the mysteries and expose the hidden truths.”

“The truth has a way of connecting all the missing pieces of the puzzle.”

“The longer the truth remains concealed, the greater its impact when finally revealed.”