“Your life can change in an instant, with just one decision.” – Unknown

“In the blink of an eye, everything can change, so choose wisely.” – Unknown

“One decision can determine the course of your entire life.” – Unknown

“Never underestimate the power of one decision to change your life.” – Unknown

“The difference between success and failure is often one decision.” – Unknown

“When faced with a difficult decision, remember that you’re just one choice away from a totally different life.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to make a decision. Remember, indecision is also a decision.” – Harvey Cox

“Some decisions will haunt you for the rest of your life. But remember, making no decision is also a decision.” – Unknown

“Every decision you make has the power to change your future.” – Unknown

“Be brave enough to make the hard decisions, for they are the ones that can truly change your life.” – Unknown

“A single decision can be the catalyst for great change.” – Unknown

“Success is not achieved overnight; it is the result of consistently making the right decisions.” – Unknown

“The greatest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg

“The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your decisions.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the smallest decisions can change your life forever.” – Keri Russell THREE GENERATIONS MOTHER DAUGHTER GRANDMOTHER QUOTES

“The greatest power we possess is the power to choose.” – J. Martin Kohe

“You are one decision away from a completely different life.” – Unknown

“Life is a series of choices; choose wisely.” – Unknown

“There are no wrong decisions, only different paths to take.” – Unknown

“Decisions are the building blocks of destiny.” – Edwin Louis Cole

“Decide what kind of life you want, and then make decisions that align with that vision.” – Unknown

“One decision can be the start of something incredible.” – Unknown

“The only limits in your life are the limits you create with your own decisions.” – Unknown

“Every decision you make is an opportunity to shape your future.” – Unknown

“Don’t let fear of making the wrong decision hold you back. Sometimes you just have to trust your instincts and go for it.” – Unknown

“Life is full of choices. Make sure the ones you make bring you closer to your dreams.” – Unknown

“The secret to success is making the right decisions at the right time.” – Unknown

“The power to change your life lies in your hands. It all starts with one decision.” – Unknown