“I won’t let anyone else shoulder the burden of being a hero. It’s my responsibility.” – Saitama

“Just because you’re the strongest, doesn’t mean you have to fight for justice. But if you’re someone who has the power to avert disaster, then you have a responsibility to do so.” – Saitama

“I started to train with a purpose in my life. You don’t have this absolute need to become strong, you just.. you just like to train.” – Saitama

“The true power of us human beings is that we can change ourselves on our own.” – Saitama

“Struggle as hard as you want. It won’t make a difference. It takes more than effort to become the strongest.” – Saitama

“You can’t give up on being a hero just because things don’t go your way.” – Saitama

“The difference between the novice and the master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried.” – Bang

“The most important attribute of a hero is being able to withstand hardship and going against the flow.” – Bang

“This world is full of joy, happiness, and peace. You just have to look deeper.” – Genos

“True heroes stay humble and continue the fight, even when no one recognizes their efforts.” – Genos

“Humans are strong because we can change ourselves.” – Genos

“To become strong, you must rid yourself of the fear of being weak.” – Genos

“Do you really think that saving people means getting everyone to acknowledge you as a hero? All a hero has to do is save people from disaster. Nothing more. Nothing less.” – Garou

“Strength of heart comes from conviction and the willingness to face the unknown.” – Garou FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT COMING OF AGE

“Fear not the monster that becomes a hero, but the hero that becomes a monster.” – Garou

“It’s not how you start, but how you finish that counts. Just keep moving forward.” – Mumen Rider

“You don’t hold on to something just because it’s precious. You have to constantly prove to yourself that it’s precious.” – Mumen Rider

“It doesn’t matter if it’s by your own power or someone else’s. A victory is a victory.” – Atomic Samurai

“Don’t dwell on the past. Move forward with determination.” – Tatsumaki

“It doesn’t matter how strong or how weak you are. The only thing that matters is what you can do.” – Tatsumaki

“There’s no getting around the fact that the path to becoming a hero is long and tough. But only those who stay true to themselves will be able to conquer it.” – King

“The decisions you make in life determines the path you take. You alone choose your destiny.” – King

“Even if people say I’m a cheat, even if I’m despised, I’ll never let anyone tarnish the glory of a hero.” – Metal Bat

“In order to see what’s truly important, one must cast aside trivial emotions and focus on what needs to be protected.” – Child Emperor

“The world is full of fallible people. It’s our job as heroes to protect them.” – Drive Knight

“Strength doesn’t come from physical capacity alone. It comes from an indomitable will.” – Snek

“The true test of a hero is not how they react to being strong, but how they react when they have nothing left.” – Sitch