“It hurts to know that you don’t feel the same way, but I’ll always cherish the moments I spend thinking about you.”

“I wish I could tell you how I feel, but I’m afraid it will ruin what we already have.”

“Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat. But deep down, I know I’ll never be more than just a friend.”

“Loving someone from afar is both beautiful and painful, but I wouldn’t trade the moments I spend imagining a future with you.”

“Sometimes, I find myself daydreaming about what it would be like if you were mine. But for now, I’ll keep those thoughts locked away.”

“I may not be your first choice, but I still hope that one day you’ll see how much I truly care.”

“It’s bittersweet to watch you fall in love with someone else, knowing I can never be the one to capture your heart.”

“You’re like a star that shines brighter as I get closer, yet I’m destined to admire you from a distance.”

“Even though we may never be together, I’ll always consider you the love of my life.”

“I know it’s foolish, but I can’t help but hold onto a glimmer of hope that one day, you’ll feel the same way about me.”

“Loving you is a one-sided battle; my heart is the only one fighting for this cause.” MY BEST FRIEND IS THE BRIDE QUOTES

“The pain of unrequited love is worth enduring just to have you in my life, even if it’s as a friend.”

“I can’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy when I see you with someone else, knowing they have what I can never have.”

“Sometimes I wish I could erase my feelings for you, but then I realize those feelings are what make me who I am.”

“You may never see me the way I see you, but that won’t stop me from loving you with all that I have.”

“In my heart, I’ll always hold a place for you, even if that place is filled with bittersweet memories.”

“I keep my feelings for you hidden, like a secret garden that only exists within my heart.”

“I’ve accepted that our paths may never align, but that won’t stop me from wishing for your happiness every day.”

“Loving you feels like standing on the edge of a cliff; it’s both exhilarating and terrifying.”

“You’re the reason my heart feels heavy, yet I wouldn’t trade this pain for anything because it means I had the chance to love you.”

“In a world full of people, I’ll always choose you, even if you never choose me in return.”