“Sometimes the hardest thing is to let go of a one sided friendship and accept that it was never really a friendship to begin with.”

“One sided friendships teach you the value of your own worth.”

“Don’t waste your time on a one sided friendship, because true friends are there for you through thick and thin.”

“A one sided friendship is like a mirage in the desert; it may seem real from a distance, but as you get closer, you realize it’s just an illusion.”

“Being in a one sided friendship feels like continually pouring your heart out to someone who doesn’t even bother to listen.”

“It’s better to be alone than to be in a one sided friendship.”

“You deserve friends who make an effort, not ones who take you for granted.”

“A one sided friendship is like a road that only goes one way; it leads you nowhere.”

“It hurts when you realize you’re the only one putting effort into a friendship.”

“One sided friendships make you question your own worth and make you wonder if you’re worthy of genuine friendship.”

“Don’t let a one sided friendship consume you, because life is too short to waste on people who don’t appreciate you.”

“A one sided friendship is like an empty vessel; no matter how hard you try to fill it up, it remains hollow.”

“One sided friendships teach you the importance of self-respect and boundaries.”

“It’s better to be alone and at peace than to be in a one sided friendship, constantly feeling drained and unappreciated.” QUOTES BY MONET

“Sometimes, the best way to protect yourself is to walk away from a one sided friendship.”

“In a one sided friendship, you’re always the one reaching out, trying to make plans and keep the friendship alive.”

“Nothing hurts more than realizing you were just an option in someone else’s life, while you thought they were your priority.”

“A true friend is someone who supports you and stands by your side, not someone who only shows up when it’s convenient for them.”

“One sided friendships are like a one-way street; you’re always giving and they’re always taking.”

“One sided friendships make you feel invisible, like you don’t matter.”

“You deserve friends who choose you, not ones who only keep you around when they have nothing better to do.”

“A one sided friendship is like a weight on your shoulders; it drags you down and drains your energy.”

“Never settle for a one sided friendship when you can have genuine connections with people who value and appreciate you.”

“You don’t have to beg for someone’s attention and affection in a friendship; it should come naturally.”

“A one sided friendship is like a puzzle missing a piece; no matter how hard you try, it will never be complete.”

“Sometimes, the only way to heal from a one sided friendship is to let go and move on to find true, balanced friendships.”