“A true friend is there for you through thick and thin, not just when it’s convenient for them.”

“Don’t waste your time on a one-sided friendship. Surround yourself with people who value and appreciate you.”

“It’s better to have no friends than to have friends who don’t truly care about you.”

“A one-sided friendship is like trying to hold a conversation with a wall.”

“In a one-sided friendship, you’re doing all the giving and they’re doing all the taking.”

“True friends are those who invest time and effort into the friendship, not just expect it from you.”

“Don’t settle for someone who only wants to be around when they need something from you.”

“A real friend supports you, not just when it benefits them, but in all aspects of life.”

“True friendship is a two-way street, not a one-way road.”

“You deserve friends who reciprocate your love and effort, not just take advantage of it.”

“A one-sided friendship can leave you feeling empty and unvalued.”

“Sometimes it’s necessary to let go of a one-sided friendship to make room for healthier relationships.”

“You shouldn’t be the only one putting in effort to maintain a friendship.”

“A true friend is interested in your successes and there for you during your struggles.” LAST DAY OF THE YEAR QUOTES

“If someone consistently lets you down or treats you poorly, it’s time to reevaluate the friendship.”

“Surround yourself with friends who genuinely care about your well-being, not just their own.”

“Friendship is about mutual respect and support, not one person always being in the spotlight.”

“A one-sided friendship can leave you feeling drained and emotionally exhausted.”

“In a one-sided friendship, it’s important to remember your own self-worth and not settle for less.”

“You should never have to beg someone to be your friend or to give you their time.”

“True friends listen, engage, and are present in your life, not just when it suits them.”

“Invest your energy into friendships that are worth it, where both parties contribute equally.”

“Don’t be afraid to walk away from a one-sided friendship. Your true friends will understand.”

“A one-sided friendship is like holding onto a balloon that constantly loses air.”

“If someone only reaches out to you when they need something, it’s not a genuine friendship.”

“Value yourself enough to let go of friendships that no longer serve you and open the door for better connections.”