“Opera: where a soprano gets stabbed but somehow still manages to sing for 20 more minutes.”

“If opera singers were in charge of world peace negotiations, they’d just have a sing-off instead.”

“Opera is like the Olympics of singing: incredibly impressive, but most of us have no idea what’s going on.”

“Opera is the only art form where dying dramatically is considered a career highlight.”

“Who needs subtitles in opera when you can just make up your own plot based on the costumes and dramatic hand gestures?”

“Opera: where a love triangle can end in a quadruple murder-suicide.”

“Opera singers are like superheroes: they can shatter glass with their voices, but only when it’s really inconvenient.”

“In opera, a happy ending means only half the cast is dead by the final curtain.”

“Opera is proof that the louder you sing, the more likely people will take your feelings seriously.”

“In opera, the bigger the wig, the more power you have.”

“If opera singers had to audition for American Idol, Simon Cowell’s head would explode.” FAMOUS SURGEON QUOTES

“Opera: where wearing a Viking helmet while singing about a fragile flower somehow makes perfect sense.”

“Opera singers: the original divas before reality TV made it mainstream.”

“Opera is like a soap opera, but with better costumes and more death.”

“Never trust an opera singer who can hit a high note without shattering any nearby glassware.”

“Opera: where people go to get their daily dose of dramatic death scenes.”

“Opera is like watching a foreign film without subtitles, but with way more singing.”

“Opera: the ultimate form of multi-tasking, where singers have to act, sing, and die dramatically all at once.”

“Opera singers: the only people who can run a marathon while singing a tragic love ballad.”

“In opera, if someone isn’t belting out a high note, they’re either dead or about to be.”

“Opera: where the phrase ‘break a leg’ takes on a whole new meaning.”