“Behind every glamorous celebrity photo is a paparazzo with a really good zoom lens.”

“Paparazzi: the only people who can make stalking seem like a legitimate profession.”

“Paparazzi are like mosquitos, except they give you fame instead of itching.”

“There’s a fine line between being a journalist and being a paparazzo…and they just don’t care.”

“Paparazzi: the true heroes of our generation, risking their lives to get celebrity bikini shots.”

“Paparazzi are so stealthy; they could probably snap a picture of Bigfoot without him noticing.”

“Paparazzi: the reason why celebrities always look startled.”

“I don’t need paparazzi to follow me; my mom already does that for me.”

“Photography is all about capturing the perfect moment, unless you’re a paparazzo – then it’s about capturing the most embarrassing moment.”

“Paparazzi are the only people who can make stepping out of your house to get some groceries look like a red carpet event.”

“Paparazzi: where photography meets desperate, intrusive behavior.”

“Paparazzi can make anyone look like a superstar…or a crazy person, depending on the angle.”

“If I had a dollar for every time a paparazzi photo made me question my existence, I’d be rich.” BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT ACTION

“Paparazzi are the reason why I always wear sunglasses indoors. You never know when a camera flash might strike.”

“Paparazzi: the only people who can make a walk of shame look like a fashion show.”

“Paparazzi should consider selling their photos as posters – they’re basically the unofficial biographers of our generation.”

“Paparazzi: the true experts in the art of stealth photography and complete lack of privacy.”

“Paparazzi are like modern-day pirates, but instead of searching for treasure, they’re hunting for scandalous tabloid headlines.”

“I always wonder what the paparazzi do with all the outtakes they can’t sell…do they just hang embarrassing celebrity photos in their living rooms?”

“If you can dodge a paparazzi, you can dodge a ball.”

“Paparazzi: because what’s better than being famous? Being photographed trying to buy toilet paper.”

“Paparazzi photos should come with captions saying, ‘When life gives you fame, make ridiculous faces for the cameras.'”

“Paparazzi are like human photo drones – buzzing around celebrities and capturing their every move.”

“Paparazzi: when snooping and photography become an art form.”