“People come and go, but the ones who leave footprints in your heart are the ones you will never forget.”

“Some people enter your life and leave a mark, while others come and go like passing ships.”

“Friends come and go, but true friends leave footprints in your heart.”

“People are like clouds, they come and go. The ones that stay, are the ones that bring rainbows.”

“People may come and go, but the memories we create together will last a lifetime.”

“People come and go, but the ones who make a lasting impact are the ones worth holding on to.”

“In life, people come and go, but the lessons we learn from each encounter stay with us forever.”

“People may wander in and out of your life, but the ones who stay are the ones who truly value your presence.”

“Those who are meant to be in your life will always find a way back, no matter how many times they come and go.”

“People come and go like chapters in a book, but the ones who leave a lasting impression become part of the story of your life.”

“People may come and go, but the ones who leave footprints in your soul are the ones who truly touched your life.”

“Life is a constant flow, people come and go, but the ones who are meant to stay will find their way back.”

“Don’t hold onto people who are just passing through, let them go and make space for those who are there to stay.” QUOTES ABOUT FOOLISHNESS BIBLE

“Friends may come and go, but the truest ones always find a way back into your life.”

“People may come and go, but the impact they have on your life remains forever.”

“People who are worth keeping will always find a way to stay, regardless of how many times they come and go.”

“Don’t mourn the ones who leave, cherish and appreciate the ones who choose to stay.”

“People may come and go, but the memories we create together are what make life beautiful.”

“In the journey of life, people may come and go, but those who leave footprints on your path are the ones worth remembering.”

“Don’t chase after people who are constantly leaving; focus on the ones who choose to stay by your side.”

“Being surrounded by people who come and go teaches us the importance of cherishing the ones who have been there all along.”

“The beauty of life is that people may come and go, but the ones who stay leave an everlasting impact.”

“Realize that some people are only meant to be temporary in your life, and embrace the lessons they teach you.”

“Life is a series of comings and goings, enjoy the moments with the people who are present and let go of those who have moved on.”