“You are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know, because I built it.” – Harold Finch

“The machine sees everything. All our lives, our hopes, our fears, our secrets. It’s watching us with its cold, calculating eyes. But what if it could do more? What if it could help us? Protect us? What if it could change the world?” – Harold Finch

“Everyone dies alone. But if you mean something to someone, if you help someone or love someone. If even a single person remembers you, then maybe you never really die. And maybe, this isn’t the end at all.” – Harold Finch

“We’re all a little broken. We all have our flaws. But it’s our flaws that make us human, and in the end, it’s our humanity that can save us.” – Harold Finch

“There’s no such thing as a perfectly executed plan. Survivors adapt, and they learn to thrive in the face of adversity.” – John Reese

“Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.” – John Reese

“One can never know the darkness that lies within others until daylight fades, and the shadows take over.” – Sameen Shaw

“The truth doesn’t always set you free. Sometimes it just shatters your bones.” – Sameen Shaw

“Being a person of interest doesn’t come with a rule book. It’s about doing what needs to be done, whatever that may be.” – Sameen Shaw

“Pain and suffering can cloud your judgment, make you see things that aren’t there. It’s easy to get lost in the dark. The key is to find your way back.” – Joss Carter

“There are some lines you just don’t cross. Killing an innocent person, that’s one of them. There’s no coming back from that.” – Lionel Fusco

“Justice is a luxury few can afford.” – Root

“The world we live in is changing, evolving. We have to adapt, find new ways to fight for what’s right.” – Root WORK HARD FOR FAMILY QUOTES

“Numbers don’t predict the future. They can’t predict your fate. They’re just… numbers. It’s what you do that counts.” – Harold Finch

“We all have a role to play, even if it’s in someone else’s story.” – Harold Finch

“Sometimes, the only way to find the right path, is to burn it all down.” – Harold Finch

“The hardest thing in this world, is to live in it. Be brave, live.” – Harold Finch

“In this world, you’re either a victim or a culprit. But I believe everyone deserves a second chance.” – Harold Finch

“When you find that one person who connects you to the world, you become someone different, someone better. When that person is taken from you, what do you become then?” – John Reese

“Some people stay broken. Others pick up the pieces and put themselves back together.” – Samantha “Root” Groves

“No matter how dark it gets, the light will always find its way back in.” – Sameen Shaw

“Sometimes, you have to let go of who you were to become who you’re meant to be.” – Sameen Shaw

“We have to do the right thing, even if it means risking everything.” – Joss Carter

“The machine gives us the numbers, but it’s up to us to decide what to do with them. We can either let it control us, or we can use it to fight back.” – Lionel Fusco