“A lie keeps growing and growing, until it’s as plain as the nose on your face.” – Jiminy Cricket

“Prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish, and someday, you will be a real boy.” – The Blue Fairy

“I’m not a puppet, I’m a real boy!” – Pinocchio

“Fairytales don’t teach you how to live happily ever after, but they teach you how to survive evil and injustice.” – Carlo Collodi (author)

“The more beautiful the lie, the more painful the truth becomes.” – The Blue Fairy

“A fine gentleman never sneezes without using a handkerchief.” – The Talking Cricket

“A boy who won’t be good might just as well be made of wood.” – The Blue Fairy

“A clever ill-doer always finds a way to escape.” – The Fox

“Remember, Pinocchio, a lie is never a good thing!” – Geppetto

“Trust your instincts, Pinocchio, and follow your heart.” – Jiminy Cricket

“Little boys should never run away from home; mothers worry.” – The Fairy with Turquoise Hair

“Without any hesitation, Pinocchio, I would give a thousand presto! and cluck! cluck! clucks! to see you reach the happy end of the story.” – The Fairy with Turquoise Hair

“The key to following your dreams is believing in yourself.” – The Blue Fairy

“Do not dwell on your mistakes, rather learn from them and grow.” – Geppetto I JUST WANNA MAKE YOU HAPPY QUOTES

“A true friend is someone who believes in you even when you don’t believe in yourself.” – Jiminy Cricket

“It is better to be wise and poor than rich and foolish.” – The Talking Cricket

“Every boy may be disobedient every now and then, but a really good boy always repents and makes amends.” – The Blue Fairy

“Haste makes waste – it’s a lesson you must learn.” – The Blue Fairy

“Learn from your mistakes, Pinocchio, and remember that actions have consequences.” – Geppetto

“Fairy tales can come true, but you have to make them happen.” – The Blue Fairy

“When temptation calls your name, remember the wise words of your conscience.” – Jiminy Cricket

“Your ticket to becoming a real boy lies within your courage and truthfulness.” – The Blue Fairy

“The hardest strings to cut are the ones we tie ourselves.” – The Blue Fairy

“A good laugh is sunshine in a house.” – The Talking Cricket

“The greatest adventure lies in discovering who you really are.” – The Blue Fairy

“Pinocchio, when bad luck pursues us, there is nothing we can do but remain hopeful and rely on our conscience.” – Jiminy Cricket