“Please be careful with my heart, it’s fragile and easily broken.”

“Handle my heart with caution, as it’s been hurt before.”

“I trust you with my heart, please don’t let me down.”

“Be gentle with my heart, for it holds my deepest emotions.”

“Please handle my heart with care, as it’s the most precious thing I can give you.”

“Guard my heart like it’s your own, because it means everything to me.”

“Handle my heart as though it’s fragile glass, for it can shatter easily.”

“Please be cautious with my heart, as it’s been through too much pain.”

“Hold my heart tenderly, for it’s delicate and in need of love.”

“Protect my heart, for it’s been bruised and scarred by past experiences.”

“Handle my heart as if it’s made of delicate lace, for it’s filled with love.”

“Please handle my heart gently, as it longs for safety and security.”

“Be mindful of my heart, as it has been wounded and is healing.”

“Cherish my heart like it’s the most precious gift you’ve ever received.”

“Hold my heart softly, for it’s filled with vulnerability and hope.” THANK YOU FOR BE THERE FOR ME QUOTES

“Handle my heart with kindness, for it seeks solace and understanding.”

“Be cautious with my heart, for it still carries the scars of past wounds.”

“Protect my heart from pain, for it yearns for a love that will heal.”

“Handle my heart carefully, for it desires a love that is gentle and true.”

“Please be gentle with my heart, for it’s been fragile for far too long.”

“Hold my heart gently, for it’s been battered by the storms of life.”

“Handle my heart softly, for it’s been through a lot and needs tenderness.”

“Be careful with my heart, for it’s been bruised and needs time to heal.”

“Love my heart gently, for it’s been broken and is in need of repair.”

“Please be cautious with my heart, for it’s still learning how to trust again.”

“Handle my heart with care, for it hopes for a love that won’t let it down.”

“Hold my heart gently, for it’s longing for a love that will never fade.”

“Please be gentle with my heart, for it’s been hurt but still believes in love.”