“Sometimes, the heart needs a break to heal itself.”

“Don’t let anyone break your heart, because you deserve all the love in the world.”

“Protect your heart, for it is the most precious thing you possess.”

“A broken heart can be mended with time and self-love.”

“Don’t give someone the power to break your heart, rise above and choose happiness.”

“Never settle for anyone who doesn’t treat your heart with kindness and respect.”

“Heartbreak is just a detour, not a dead end.”

“Don’t be afraid to let go of what’s hurting your heart. It’s the first step towards healing.”

“Surround yourself with people who appreciate and value your heart.”

“Remember, a broken heart is just a sign that you loved deeply.”

“Don’t allow someone else’s actions to define the worth of your heart.”

“The greatest love you can give yourself is protecting your own heart.”

“You’re strong enough to survive any heartbreak that comes your way.”

“Nobody has the power to break your heart without your permission.” PLATO QUOTE ABOUT LIFE

“Cry if you must, but then let go and allow your heart to heal.”

“A broken heart is an opportunity for a stronger and wiser love in the future.”

“Your heart is too precious to be wasted on someone who doesn’t appreciate it.”

“Remember, your heart is deserving of all the love and happiness in the world.”

“Don’t let a temporary heartbreak overshadow the beauty that life has to offer.”

“Keep your heart open, but also guard it against those who don’t value it.”

“Never forget your worth, even when someone tries to break your heart.”

“A broken heart is a lesson in self-love and resilience.”

“Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re not enough. Your heart is full of worth.”

“Letting go of what broke your heart can open the doors for something much better.”

“Give your heart time to heal, and soon it will be ready for love again.”

“You are not defined by a heartbreak, but by how you heal and grow from it.”