“Those who have faith in God find their troubles coming to an end.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“With each breath, my Lord is ever-present.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“Through the True Guru, peace is obtained.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“Remember the One who created all creation.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“The Lord’s Name is the medicine to eradicate disease.” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“Listening to the name of God, all pain and suffering is taken away.” – Guru Amar Das Ji

“Meditate on the Name of the Lord, and all sins shall be eradicated.” – Guru Amar Das Ji

“God Himself is the support, and He Himself is the sustainer.” – Guru Amar Das Ji

“The Name of the Lord is the source of all spiritual power.” – Guru Ram Das Ji

“With the Lord’s Name, all sins and ailments are destroyed.” – Guru Ram Das Ji

“The Guru’s wisdom is the light that dispels all darkness.” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“God has created this creation; gaze upon it with love.” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“The One Lord abides in all; recognize the Lord in all.” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“The Lord’s Name is the most powerful and supreme.” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“Focus your mind on the Lord, and all fears will depart.” – Guru Har Gobind Sahib Ji WHEN TIMES ARE TOUGH RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“Through the Guru’s teachings, find liberation and truth.” – Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji

“Serve the Lord and find inner peace and happiness.” – Guru Har Krishan Sahib Ji

“The Lord is the protector of all; surrender to Him.” – Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib Ji

“God’s name is the ultimate source of strength and courage.” – Guru Gobind Singh Ji

“Connect with the divine through love and devotion.” – Guru Gobind Singh Ji

“Remembering God’s name, all worldly attachments are dissolved.” – Guru Granth Sahib Ji

“Greet everyone with love, as they too are a creation of God.” – Guru Granth Sahib Ji

“Make kindness and compassion your true nature.” – Guru Granth Sahib Ji

“Through meditation, merge with God’s divine presence.” – Guru Granth Sahib Ji

“Realize the eternal truth and live in harmony with it.” – Guru Granth Sahib Ji

“Renounce ego and embrace humility to find spiritual enlightenment.” – Guru Granth Sahib Ji

“Let your actions be guided by love and righteousness.” – Guru Granth Sahib Ji

“The One who has created the world will take care of you, just take His name in your mind and all your problems will be solved.” – Guru Granth Sahib Ji