“Lupus may have changed my life, but it doesn’t define who I am.”

“Living with lupus has taught me to appreciate the little things in life.”

“Lupus may be tough, but I am tougher.”

“I am not my lupus; I am a warrior fighting against it.”

“Lupus has shown me how strong and resilient I can be.”

“Even on my worst days with lupus, I am grateful for the gift of life.”

“Lupus has made me realize the importance of self-care and self-love.”

“I refuse to let lupus hold me back from pursuing my dreams.”

“Lupus is just an obstacle I will overcome on my journey to success.”

“Every day with lupus is a new opportunity for growth and resilience.”

“Lupus has taught me the power of perseverance and determination.”

“Having lupus reminds me to never take my health for granted.”

“Lupus has given me a renewed appreciation for the beauty of life.”

“Living with lupus has made me appreciate the value of empathy and understanding.”

“Lupus may have dimmed my light temporarily, but it will never extinguish it.” THE GOODNESS OF GOD QUOTES

“Lupus may be a part of my life, but it doesn’t define my happiness.”

“I choose to focus on the positives in life, regardless of lupus.”

“Lupus has made me a more compassionate and empathetic person.”

“I am not alone in my battle against lupus; I have a support system that lifts me up.”

“Living with lupus has taught me to prioritize my health and well-being above all else.”

“I may have lupus, but I am still capable of achieving greatness.”

“I refuse to let lupus dictate my future; I am in control of my destiny.”

“Living with lupus has shown me the importance of self-advocacy and speaking up for my needs.”

“Lupus has taught me to appreciate the strength and resilience of my own body.”

“I am not defined by my illness; I am defined by my strength and perseverance.”

“Lupus may be a part of my story, but it is not the ending.”

“Living with lupus has made me appreciate the beauty and simplicity of each day.”

“Lupus has made me realize the true value of my loved ones and the importance of cherishing every moment.”

“I may have lupus, but I am still capable of living a fulfilling and joyful life.”