“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Believe in the magic and it will always find you.” – Unknown

“Magic lies in every moment, embrace it and let it guide your path.” – Unknown

“The real magic in life is creating connections and spreading love.” – Unknown

“Allow yourself to be enchanted by the everyday wonders of life, and you’ll find magic all around you.” – Unknown

“Magic is not a trick, but a state of mind that brings forth extraordinary possibilities.” – Unknown

“Magic is not about knowing the secrets, but having the courage to believe in the unknown.” – Unknown

“Believe in the magic of new beginnings and watch the miracles unfold.” – Unknown

“Let go of doubt and fear, and let the magic within you shine brightly.” – Unknown

“Magic is not found in spells or potions, it’s found in love and kindness.” – Unknown

“The most magical things happen when you dare to follow your heart.” – Unknown

“Magic is not about escaping reality, but creating a reality where anything is possible.” – Unknown INSPIRATIONAL SHORT QUOTES ABOUT LIFE AND STRUGGLES

“The true magic of life is not in the wonders we see, but in the wonders we create.” – Unknown

“Magic is not about having power over others, but about empowering others to discover their own magic.” – Unknown

“The real magic is not in changing the world, but in changing ourselves.” – Unknown

“Believe in the magic of your dreams, for they hold the power to transform your reality.” – Unknown

“Magic is not about having all the answers, but having the faith to trust in the journey.” – Unknown

“The most powerful magic is the magic of love, for it has the ability to heal and transform.” – Unknown

“Magic is not about seeking the extraordinary, but finding the beauty in the ordinary.” – Unknown

“Believe in the magic of possibilities, for they hold the key to a limitless future.” – Unknown

“Magic is not about proving others wrong, but proving to yourself that you are capable of anything.” – Unknown

“The magic in life is not in the big moments, but in the small, everyday miracles we often overlook.” – Unknown