“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” – Norman Cousins

“To fear death is to misunderstand life.” – Unknown

“Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.” – Rabindranath Tagore

“Death is the destination we all share, no one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be because death is very likely the single best invention of life.” – Steve Jobs

“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” – Unknown

“Death is like a mirror in which the true meaning of life is reflected.” – Sogyal Rinpoche

“Dying is easy, it’s living that scares me to death.” – Annie Lennox

“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.” – Haruki Murakami

“It’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Live your life in such a way that you’ll be remembered for your kindness, compassion, fairness, character, benevolence, and a force for good who had much respect for life, in general.” – Germany Kent

“Don’t fear the death of your body, but rather the death of your soul.” – Bob Marley

“Life is not the opposite of death, death is the opposite of birth; life is eternal.” – Eckhart Tolle

“A life well lived is a precious gift, for all that a life well-lived is far too brief.” – Unknown

“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.” – Joseph Campbell

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” – Mark Twain FRENCH QUOTES FOR TEACHERS DAY

“The only way to live is to accept each minute as an unrepeatable miracle, which is exactly what it is: a miracle and unrepeatable.” – Storm Jameson

“Death is not the greatest tragedy of life. The greatest tragedy is what dies inside us while we live.” – Norman Cousins

“Don’t let death diminish your happiness, instead, let it remind you to live your life to the fullest.” – Unknown

“Life is a beautiful lie and death is the painful truth.” – Jay-Z

“The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live.” – Norman Cousins

“Every moment of your life is a second chance.” – Rick Price

“The fear of death is more to be dreaded than death itself.” – Publilius Syrus

“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon

“Death is like a release of love; a transition into a fuller expression of who we truly are.” – Unknown

“The only way to deal with death is to see it as a part of life, and the only way to deal with life is to embrace it fully.” – Unknown

“Death is just a necessary change, a transformation from one state of being to another.” – Unknown

“Live each day as if it were your last, for one day it surely will be.” – Unknown

“Death is not the end, but a new beginning, a passage into a world of greater understanding and love.” – Unknown

“Death is simply a doorway to a new chapter, a chance for our spirits to grow and explore beyond this earthly realm.” – Unknown