“Pretending to be someone else in a relationship is like building a house on a weak foundation – it will eventually crumble.” – Unknown

“A relationship built on pretense is destined to fail, as honesty and authenticity are the foundations of true love.” – Unknown

“Pretending to be happy in a relationship will only create resentment and emotional distance.” – Unknown

“When both partners are wearing a mask in a relationship, it becomes a game of pretense rather than a genuine connection.” – Unknown

“It’s better to be alone than in a relationship where you have to constantly pretend to be someone you’re not.” – Unknown

“In a relationship, pretending to be okay with something when you’re not will only lead to bottling up emotions, leading to an inevitable explosion.” – Unknown

“A relationship built on pretense will always lack the depth and intimacy that comes from true vulnerability.” – Unknown

“True love cannot exist where pretense resides.” – Unknown

“A relationship without honesty is like a car without fuel – it will never go anywhere.” – Unknown

“It takes courage to be vulnerable and authentic in a relationship, but the rewards are worth it.” – Unknown

“Pretending to be someone you’re not in a relationship is like living a lie – eventually, the truth will catch up to you.” – Unknown

“Love should be about acceptance, not pretense.” – Unknown

“There is no room for pretense in a relationship if you want it to flourish and grow.” – Unknown

“Pretending to be happy in a relationship is an injustice to your own emotions.” – Unknown

“A relationship built on pretense is like trying to hold water in your hands – it will slip through your fingers.” – Unknown PRAY FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL QUOTES

“In a genuine relationship, there’s no need for pretense – you should feel comfortable being your true self.” – Unknown

“Pretending to be someone you’re not in a relationship is an insult to your own authenticity.” – Unknown

“Don’t hide behind pretense in a relationship – embrace your true self and let love find you as you are.” – Unknown

“The strongest relationships are built on a foundation of truth and authenticity.” – Unknown

“A relationship based on pretense is a ticking time bomb – it’s only a matter of time before it explodes.” – Unknown

“Honesty is the key that unlocks the door to a genuine and fulfilling relationship.” – Unknown

“Pretending to be in love in a relationship is like putting on a play for an audience of one – it’s exhausting and unfulfilling.” – Unknown

“A relationship based on pretense is like trying to catch a cloud – you can’t hold onto something that isn’t real.” – Unknown

“Love is not about playing a role – it’s about showing up as your most genuine self and being accepted for who you are.” – Unknown

“Authenticity is the currency of a successful relationship.” – Unknown

“Being yourself is the most attractive thing you can bring to a relationship.” – Unknown

“Pretending to be someone you’re not in a relationship is a disservice to both yourself and your partner.” – Unknown

“Don’t let fear of rejection push you into pretending to be someone you’re not – the right person will love you for all that you are.” – Unknown