“Sometimes a lie is even more beautiful than the truth.” – Aria Montgomery

“Secrets are like boomerangs: they always come back.” – Spencer Hastings

“Even in the darkest moments, there’s always a way out.” – Hanna Marin

“Every truth starts as a lie.” – Emily Fields

“It’s better to be scared and alive than to be safe and dead.” – Alison DiLaurentis

“Don’t underestimate the power of your own intuition.” – Aria Montgomery

“In life, it’s okay to be a little messy.” – Spencer Hastings

“Never let anyone define who you are.” – Hanna Marin

“There’s always a second chance, if you’re brave enough to take it.” – Emily Fields

“Sometimes the best revenge is living a happy life.” – Alison DiLaurentis

“There’s a certain kind of strength that comes from vulnerability.” – Aria Montgomery

“You can’t con someone who’s already conned themselves.” – Spencer Hastings

“It’s important to stay true to yourself, even when the world tries to change you.” – Hanna Marin

“The only person who can truly defeat you is yourself.” – Emily Fields LOSS OF A SON QUOTES FOR A FRIEND

“If you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust?” – Alison DiLaurentis

“Sometimes the biggest lies are the ones we tell ourselves.” – Aria Montgomery

“Fear can either paralyze you or propel you forward. It’s your choice.” – Spencer Hastings

“No one has the power to break you unless you let them.” – Hanna Marin

“The truth may hurt, but it also sets you free.” – Emily Fields

“The past can haunt you, but it doesn’t define you.” – Alison DiLaurentis

“Your mistakes don’t define you, your ability to learn from them does.” – Aria Montgomery

“Transformation is possible, no matter how dark your past may be.” – Spencer Hastings

“Forgiving yourself is the first step towards healing.” – Hanna Marin

“When you embrace your uniqueness, you become unstoppable.” – Emily Fields

“Sometimes the most powerful stories are the ones that are never told.” – Alison DiLaurentis

“In the end, the truth always finds its way to the surface.” – Aria Montgomery