“I will always protect you, my love. You are my top priority.”

“I would go to any lengths to keep you safe.”

“I will shield you from any harm that comes your way.”

“You are under my protection, and no one can harm you.”

“I’ll be your knight in shining armor, defending you from all evils.”

“My love for you is like a shield, always there to safeguard you.”

“You can rest assured knowing that I will always have your back.”

“I’ll be your guardian, watching over you day and night.”

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to ensure your safety.”

“You are mine to protect, and I take that responsibility seriously.”

“I’ll be your fortress, protecting you from the storms of life.”

“I’ll fight any battle to protect our love and keep you safe.”

“Your safety is my utmost priority.”

“If harm comes your way, it will have to go through me first.”

“I’ll put myself in harm’s way before anything happens to you.” BEST QUOTES ABOUT CHARITY LDS

“You are my most valuable possession, and I’ll protect you fiercely.”

“Fear not for your safety, for I will guard you with my life.”

“My duty as your husband is to protect and cherish you.”

“My love, my instinct is to safeguard you from all dangers.”

“In this crazy world, you can always count on me to keep you safe.”

“I’ll be your shield, standing tall against anything that threatens our happiness.”

“Your well-being is my responsibility, and I won’t let anything harm you.”

“You are the most precious thing in my life, and I’ll protect you at all costs.”

“I’ll be your pillar of strength, supporting and shielding you from harm.”

“My love, I’ll always be there to guard your heart and keep it safe.”

“Under my watch, no harm will come to you. You are safe with me.”

“I will build a fortress of love and protection around you.”

“My love, your safety is non-negotiable. I would do anything to ensure it.”